【Video】EP.2 生活文化交流計畫|中壢場 精彩回顧

EP.2 再靠近一點點,就讓你到坤甸|中壢場回顧特輯|Thinkers’ StudioX張剛華feat.桃園藝文陣線
Indonesians in Taiwan – FOOD|LIFESTYLE|ART

這趟生活文化交流之旅,歷經三個月的時間,Thineker’ Studio與藝術家張剛華,在桃園藝文陣線小杜及其他夥伴的協助下,探訪七位來自印尼坤甸的姐姐,了解她們在家鄉,以及在臺灣生活的故事。過程中,也感謝新興里里長的大力支持,給予許多協助,讓本次文化交流計畫順利成功!

在洗頭計畫前期的訪談中,我們與七位印尼坤甸姐姐建立了良好的互動關係!彷彿朋友一般,一見面話題聊不完,迫不及待想與對方交流分享!姐姐們常與我們分享親手烹調的家鄉菜,或是帶我們品嚐她所推薦的印尼餐館,我們也發現這些家鄉菜與台灣客家菜相似之處,原來,兩地的文化有幾分相似之處。 執行洗頭計畫時,剛華與坤甸姐姐們透過洗頭的親密接觸,逐漸敞開心房互相分享,聊到彼此心中最柔軟的故事。這些回憶存在著快樂、甜蜜、想念、遺憾,所有的故事都成為人生的養分,成就現在的自己。


經過本次活動發現,不論是臺北或中壢,臺灣人或印尼人,彼此間的距離其實很近,夏日夜晚的對談,更拉近了心的距離。本計畫觀察員林正尉(Lin Chen-wei)在座談中拋出一個值得思考的問題「我們要靠近人多少?」當人們用真心交流,以開闊眼光尊重並欣賞對方的文化,便會發現這當中有許多可愛迷人之處。

這段故事正要開始,歡迎跟著Thinkers’ Studio的腳步,了解更多生活在這片土地上族群的故事! 下一站,前往菲律賓社群!

We’ve visited seven locals from Indonesia’s Pontianak during the past three months and learnt their life stories of hometown and Taiwan. We appreciate the strong support from the village chief of Sinsing Village who made this exchanging project successful!

We were just like friends during the process. The seven locals shared their home cooking with us and we also went to the Indonesian restaurants recommended by them. We found the similarity between their hometown cuisine and Hakka cuisine in Taiwan. In a way, the two cultures are similar.

In “Shampoo is telling a story”, we gradually embraced and shared with each other through the intimate contact of “shampooing”. All the ups and downs have become the nutrients and made us who we are today. And “Dining Car Project” also opended up in the same afternoon! We toured the alleys, exchanged stories with coffee and exchanged experience with Pontianak chai kue.

When we treat each other’s cultures with respect and communicate sincerely with broader minds, we’ll discover the beauty underneath.

The stories we shared this summer have indeed brought us closer together. Cultural life exchanging stories are not over yet. You’re welcome to follow Thinkers’ Studio and discover more stories from the land we live in!

Next stop, Filipino community!

2020 在臺印、菲社群生活文化交流計畫
2020 Cultural Life Exchanging Project of Indonesian and Philipino Communities in Taiwan

指導單位 Advisor|文化部Ministry of Culture
主辦單位 Organizer|財團法人文化臺灣基金會The Cultural Taiwan Foundation
策劃、執行單位 Curation and Production|Thinkers’ Studio
共同策劃、執行單位 Co-curation and Production|桃園藝文陣線 TaoACF
合作藝術家 Cooperating Artist|張剛華 Chang Kang Hua
餐車計畫策展人Curator of Dining Car Project|杜彥穎 Doo Do
參與夥伴 Partners|朱莉茵、游蘭梅、郭惠娥、宋翠娥、蘇美麗、黃瑩瑩、邱美珍
封面照攝影|劉璧慈 Photography by Liu Pi Tzu
影片拍攝、剪輯|邱垂仁 Filmed and Edited by Chiou Chuei Jen