About Us


Thinkers’ Studio was founded in 2013 and based in “Thinkers’ Theatre” where we consider as a creative art space in Dadaocheng (Tua-Tiu-Tiann), Taipei. In here, we not only run the space of “Thinkers’ Theatre”, but also uphold the daring spirit of Thinkers’ Studio in order to gather various artists and practitioners to think, talk, exchange ideas and come up with many creative sparks.
Regarding ourselves as a private sector and platform, our team consists of professional arts administrators who strives to create the possibilities of cooperation between performing arts and interdisciplinarity. We value our dedication in local arts projects and the gatherings of varied creativities and resources from the domestic and the international. In recent years, we also focus on running the art space, accompanning young artists to create, organizing arts festival and connecting international art scenes. In 2015-2019, together with other local sectors in Dadaocheng, we founded and organized an independent festival – Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts.
“Come! Let’s have a talk!” If you have any ideas, we are open to anything. Let our “gōng-tánn” accompany you.
Thinkers’ Studio will continue to gain more experience from the cooperation of different organizations and build up a solid art scene together!



Thinkers’ Studio was first based in “Thinkers’ Theatre” since 2013. By that time we put our focus on theatre management and art events in Dadaocheng (Tua-Tiu-Tiann). Between 2015 to 2019, together with other local sectors in Dadaocheng, our team founded and organized “Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts”.


Intergrading our professional administration background, we expanded our experiences in venue management and started to manage the rehearsal spaces which are entrusted by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government. On the artistic side, “Thinkers’ Partner Project” and “Connect with SEA Project” are developed as our core projects.


Reaching our 10 years milestone in 2023, Thinkers’ Studio is extending our vision and spirit to continuously elevate our core projects and cooperation with multi-disciplinary emerging artists and art organizations. Gathering Thoughts and Cultivating Actions. Together, we are creating more possible endpoints in the performing arts industry for the brand new future.


Artistic Support and International Linking
Artist Accompany and Artistic Environment Activation

Gathering various artists and practitioners to think, talk, exchange ideas and come up with many creative sparks, we see accompanying as a starting point and a long-term relationship. Together we develop works that are in their early stages with arts practitioners and open up new opportunities such as performance production, international exchange and local resource integration. We share resources with arts practitioners and create a better arts scene together.

Arts Event Production and Agency
Professional Production Management

Our team consists of professional arts administrators and provides complete event planning and production management and execution. We team up with creators professionally and open up more conversations and connections with the audience.

Venue Management
Linsen59 and Art Together

Under the entrustment of the Taipei City Government Department of Cultural Affairs, we run and manage two rehearsal venues, Linsen59 and Art Together. Provide low-cost rehearsal spaces with well-designed administration mechanisms and rental processes to artists and artistic groups in Taipei.