
2021 Connect with SEA (Gender Issue): Residency in the CLOUD Presentations & Talks

#東南亞性別網絡計畫 概念呈現及網絡座談

Day 1 Presentations & Talks 

📅5 June 2021 (Sat.) 14:00-17:30 (GMT+8)

◆Presentation 1|Phi PALMOS (PH)、Gabbi CAMPOMANES (PH)

◆Presentation 2|TSENG Chih-Wei 曾智偉 (TW)、MEI Chih-Ling 梅芷菱 (TW)

◆Open Discussion|Facilitators and Artists

◆Talk|Studies and Practices of Feminism 女性主義的研究與實踐


SU Pin-Wen 蘇品文 (Independent Artist)、Eisa JOCSON (Choreographer and Dancer)

Day 2 Presentations & Talks 

📅Date:6 June 2021 (Sun.) 13:30-17:30 (GMT+8) 

◆Presentation 3|Charmaine POH (SG)

◆Presentation 4|Soultari Amin FARID (SG)

◆Presentation 5|CHOU Kuan-Jou 周寬柔 (TW)、CHEN Yi-Chin 陳詣芩 (TW)

◆Open Discussion|Facilitators and Artists

◆Talk|Visualizing Networking for Gender Issues Based Creation 開啟性別議題創作的網絡關係想像


Nobuo TAKAMORI 高森信男 (Independent curator, Director of Outsiders Factory)、River LIN 林人中 (Artist and Curator)

🚩How to join 報名方式

◆Due to the limited number of participants, please register in advance to ensure your priority access to the events.本活動名額有限,請儘速報名以保留優先參與資格。


◆The Zoom room will open 5 mins before the event starts. Please stay in the waiting room when logging in.

Zoom會議室會在講座開始 #前5分鐘 開放,建議觀眾當日提前加入會議室。


Connect with SEA (Gender Issue): Residency in the CLOUD is a project organized by Thinkers’ Studio (Taiwan) and collaborated with Dance Nucleus (Singapore), it aims to start the conversation of gender issues in the society, by gathering a group of artists to develop or adapt ideas and explore new ways to work, create and collaborate internationally. It hopes to connect the creative resources by online residency, performances and talks and also to find the similarity of gender issue artists from three different countries working closely in Southeast Asia. 

Why Having ONLINE Presentations & Talks

The pandemic has brought limited travel and global movements, and “online” has become the new model for international exchange and connection. In this project, through being online, the whole residency process and experience can be more accessible to the public, opening the possibility to share, connect and communicate in different parts of the world. It also seeks to initiate new ways of international working under the pandemic. During the presentations, the eight artists will share and discuss the concept of their work in process and thoughts during the CLOUD residency. To enrich the events, we have also invited four highly experienced curators and artists to share their insight in the online talks.


▌Important Notes

◆ Due to the pandemic situation, all the activities will be adjusted to held online and will not open for on-site participation.

◆ Presentations and Talks will be conducted via ZOOM and the number of participants is limited. Please fill in the registration form to ensure your priority access to the events.

◆ To protect your privacy, please feel free to hide your video or participate anonymously.

◆ The organizers reserve the right to change the content of the talk.


◆ 因應疫情,本次計畫之相關呈現及講座皆調整於線上進行,無開放現場參與。

◆ 參與者將以ZOOM視訊系統參與座談/呈現,活動參與名額有限,請填寫報名表單以保留優先參與資格。


◆ 主辦單位保有因應疫情狀況調整與變更活動之權利。


◆ Organizer 主辦單位:Thinkers’ Studio 思劇團

◆ Co-organizer 合辦單位:Dance Nucleus

◆ Advisor 指導單位: Ministry of Culture of Taiwan 文化部

▌Contact 聯絡單位 

|Thinkers’ Studio 思劇團 

|Tel:+886 (02)2555-7660 
