東南亞性別網絡計畫:Outline of Queer Issues Based Creation 酷兒議題創作的樣貌

☁️ 2021 Connect with SEA (Gender Issue): Residency in the CLOUD #東南亞性別網絡計畫

Outline of Queer Issues Based Creation  酷兒議題創作的樣貌

🎤 Speakers 講者

周東彥 CHOU Tung-Yen (TW)、Andrei Nikolai PAMINTUAN (PH)

🚩Time & Event Zoom Link 講座日期與Zoom參與連結

3rd June (Thur.) 19:30-21:00  (GMT+8) 

Zoom link:https://zoomtw.zoom.us/j/5230992844

Zoom ID: 5230992844

The Zoom room will open 5 mins before the event starts. Please stay tuned! 

Zoom 會議室會在講座開始前 5分鐘 開放,建議觀眾當日提前加入會議室。

Let’s Opening Up the Creative Discussions on Queer Issues!

We have invited CHOU Tung-Yen, Artistic Director of Very Theatre, and Andrei Nikolai PAMINTUAN, Creative Director of Pineapple Lab, to give an exciting talk. They will share with you their experiences on organising Manila fringe Festival and their creative pocess towards queer related and gender issues productions in Taiwan and the Manila during the talk session.

▌About the Speakers 講者介紹

CHOU Tung-Yen

Artistic Director of Very Theatre and Very Mainstream Studio

Chou is the founder and artistic director of Very Theatre and Very Mainstream Studio. Centering around the theatre and moving image, he makes interdisciplinary works of performance, installation and music video. Combining his long-term care on gender, LGBTQ and intimacy topic and the curiosity in technology, CHOU has been using differing format created a series of work focus on the theme: “My Leftover Ladies” (2015 / Documentary), “Looking For?” (2017 / Documentary), “Will You Marry Me?” (2019 / Social Experiment), “Virtual Intimacy” (2019 / New Media Theatre). And in 2020, CHOU collaborated with Kaohsiung Film Archive’s VR FILM LAB Program, created his first cinematic VR experience “In the Mist”.

Andrei Nikolai PAMINTUAN 

Creative Director of Pineapple Lab 

Andrei is a director and independent producer. He is the Festival Director and founder of the Manila Fringe Festival, a multi-genre international arts festival based in the Philippines and is currently the Creative Director of Pineapple Lab, an artist-run creative hub that is dedicated to providing a platform for contemporary Filipino artistic expressions and interdisciplinary arts collaborations in the historic district of Poblacion, Makati City. He co-founded Fringe Creatives – a new company that produces Filipino productions, highlighting original and inclusive content featuring diverse narratives in media, events, and live performances. Andrei is currently a researcher at KARAKOA, a collective of independent Asian producers, investigating current performing arts issues in key cities in Southeast Asia. He is interested in exploring the impact of the arts in neighborhoods, cities, and cultures.

▌Organizer主辦單位:Thinkers’ Studio 思劇團

▌Co-organizer共同主辦: Dance Nucleus

▌Advisor指導單位:Ministry of Culture of Taiwan 文化部


▌Important Notes 活動須知 

|Due to the epidemic and the recent unstable power supply in Taiwan, the opening talk will not be broadcast and will not open on-site participation. Please join us online in Zoom.

|To protect your privacy, please feel free to hide your video or participate anonymously.

|The organizers reserve the right to change the content of the talk.




▌Contact 聯絡單位

|Thinkers’ Studio 思劇團

|Tel:+886 (02)2555-7660
