東南亞性別網絡計畫:The Beginning of Connect with SEA (Gender Issue): Residency in the CLOUD東南亞性別網絡創建的起始

2021 Connect with SEA (Gender Issue): Residency in the CLOUD#東南亞性別網絡計畫

The Beginning of Connect with SEA (Gender Issue): Residency in the CLOUD 東南亞性別網絡創建的起始

?Speakers 講者

Daniel KOK (SG)、 KAO Yi-Kai (TW)

?Time & Event Zoom Link 講座日期與Zoom參與連結

 21st May (Fri.) 19:30-20:30 (GMT+8) 

Zoom link: https://zoomtw.zoom.us/j/5230992844 

Zoom ID: 5230992844

The Zoom room will open 5 mins before the event starts. Please stay tuned! Zoom 

會議室會在講座開始前 5分鐘 開放,建議觀眾當日提前加入會議室。

The CLOUD Residency Project Is Now In Full Swing! 

To kick off the project, we have invited Daniel KOK, Artistic Director of Dance Nucleus, and Yikai Kao, Director of Si Theatre Company, to give an exciting talk. They will share with you their views on the importance of creating a gender network in Southeast Asia and their own work, as well as their vision and imagination on the construction of a gender exchange network and gender creation in Southeast Asia. The directors will share their views on the importance of creating a Southeast Asian gender network and their own work.

▌About the Speakers 講者介紹

Daniel KOK 

Artistic Director of Dance Nucleus 

Daniel is the artistic director of Dance Nucleus (Singapore), a space for artistic research, creative development and critical discourse in contemporary performance. He curates da:ns Lab in collaboration with the Esplanade (Singapore), the [CP]3 academy and VECTOR Exhibition of Experimental Live Art. He is also a core member of the Asia Network for Dance (AND+).

KAO Yi Kai

Director of Thinkers’ Studio

Director of the Thinkers’ Studio, also an independent producer and curator in performing art. He focuses on the relationship of community and the art events. Also devoting himself to be accompanied with different independent artists developing. Mostly focuses on gender, generation and immigrants’ issues in Asia, South East Asia.

▌Organizer主辦單位:Thinkers’ Studio 思劇團

▌Co-organizer共同主辦: Dance Nucleus

▌Advisor指導單位: Ministry of Culture of Taiwan 文化部


Revisit the Warm-Up Talk 影像回顧紀錄

▌Important Notes 活動須知 

|Due to the epidemic and the recent unstable power supply in Taiwan, the warm-up talk will not be broadcast and will not open on-site participation. Please join us online in Zoom. 

|To protect your privacy, please feel free to hide your video or participate anonymously. 

|The organizers reserve the right to change the content of the talk. 

|因應疫情及台灣地區近日電力不穩定,導致網路相對也不穩定,故本場講座取消報名售票現場參與並調整為 #線上 以zoom自由參與將不進行直播。



▌Contact 聯絡單位

|Thinkers’ Studio 思劇團

|Tel:+886 (02)2555-7660
