Certificate Programme for Critical Practice in Contemporary Performance, [CP]3

    Certificate Programme for Critical Practice in Contemporary Performance, [CP]3, is a performing arts hybrid learning platform for Asia Artists. Embracing three core concepts Certificate Programme, Critical Practice and Contemporary Performance, the platform is organised by Dance Nucleus, a Singapore-based art organisation. With the design of an intensive hybrid academy within half a year, the platform trains and encourages contemporary artists in Asia to develop a methodology for their creations.

    The 2024 [CP]3 will be led by Daniel Kok, artistic director of Dance Nucleus. Together with 8 Asia famous contemporary art lecturers and the participating artists, they formed a cross-generation co-learning group for the following half-year exchange. Lecturers this year include: Arco Renz、Pichet Klunchun(Bangkok)、Xiao Ke & Zi Han(Shanghai)、Luke George(Melbourne)、Melati Suryodarmo(Surakarta)、Padmini Chettur(Kiyona)、Nanako Nakajima(Kyoto)、Eisa Jocson(Maynila). Each of the lecturers will lead one module related to their personal creative experience and topic for group co-learning, and the platform also provides 1 to 1 advising sessions and presentations for the participants.

    In total 14 participating artists from all over Asia were selected to join the intensive hybrid learning platform from April to September 2024. Artist Hsu Chao-Tzu from Taiwan was selected and supported by Thinkers’ Studio to join [CP]3 in 2024.

     Coopearations|2021 Wang Ning, 2022 Tseng Chih Wei (Incomplete), 2023 Li Wen Hao, 2024 Hsu Chao-Tzu

    Organizer |

    Dance Nucleus

    DANCE NUCLEUS is a choreographic centre for the capability development of independent artists and the creative development of contemporary performance. Led by Daniel Kok, DANCE NUCLEUS enables a network of trans-local partnerships in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific. DANCE NUCLEUS is supported by the National Arts Council under the Major Company Scheme.